🇨🇳 Seven year industry experience as automotive designer in China

🇩🇪 B.A. in Transportation Design at HS Pforzheim, Germany

🇸🇬 FZD School of Design Singapore graduate

Designing imagniative worlds always has been my ambition. Having studied Transportation Design at HFG Pforzheim, famous for its alumnus Daniel Simon, a rare opportunity lead me to China.

There I worked as an automotive interior- and exterior-designer for China’s “First Automotive Works” FAW Car Company.

Cooperating with senior designers on two luxury vehicles for Red Flag, the oldest Chinese passenger car brand, was my personal highlight.

In 2017 I moved to Beijing to work as a concept vehicle designer at the Volkswagen Future Center Asia. This experience put me on the right path to enter the entertainment industry.

Finishing the degree programm at FZD in 2022 pushed my design skills to another level.


Freelance Automotive Concept Artist


FZD School of Design Singapore | Diploma in Concept Design


Volkswagen Group Innovation Center Asia | Vehicle Exterior & Interior Designer


FAW Group Co., Ltd. | Car Exterior & Interior Designer


Mercedes Benz Design Studio | Bachelor thesis design project


HFG Pforzheim | Bachelor of Arts in Transportation Design